Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cannibal Cupcakery WINNER!!!!

So, the day has finally come! This first contest didn't do wonderfully, but I am so happy with the results for it only being the first! I want to thank everyone for taking the time to enter.

We have a new contest that will be posted by tomorrow night. It's not quite as limited so anyone in the US can enter. Watch for it and start entering!

Anyways, it's time to list the winner of our very first giveaway! I used to generate the winner, so that made this a "piece of cake"! (Pun totally intended)

Aimee Grant!

What in the.... how lucky are you?!? The very day you enter, totally last minute, and you WIN? Wow! Maybe you have some lucky charm and should enter EVERY contest! Your information has been provided to Cannibal Cupcakery. You will have to let us all know what you think of them!

Thanks again everyone for taking the time to enter! We already have two more giveaways lined up, and at least three more pending so we have a few more months at least of fun stuff! Don't forget to stop back by and see what other free goodies you could win!


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