Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, new fun!

Well Happy New Year folks! The first thing I really want to mention is how wonderful you have all been over the last few months in closing 2011. I have gained several new followers/subscribers and more traffic than I could have possibly imagined, being that I have only had this going for a few months. So thank you all so much for being a part of my little adventure!

Secondly, I really want to let you all know about this new site... It's brand new, just starting to get up and running. The idea behind it is really neat! It's similar to facebook in terms of what you can do with it so far... with the exception of being less heard of, of course. What makes this unique is that you actually earn money. It's an MLM Social Networking Site. As more people join, you earn more money. Here is mine so far. I just broke $1! And I'm thrilled! hahaha

Anyways.... that's what it looks like. And eventually I'll be making bank ;) Start now and you can be making bank too. So if you are interested, click on that little green button at to the right that says "Treehouse Social" and start referring away. 

Now,  moving on... I'm sure you all have New Years Resolutions. One of the most common is to lose a few pounds. We start out ambitious.. we say "I want to lose 30 pounds by the end of the year". Then once January ends and we move on to February, it's no longer considered the new year and we forget all about our resolutions. It's a human thing to do. And it's why we kind of suck, right?

Well I work for a company called Yoli. We are the Better Body Company. Everyone I work with is so fantastic and chipper and my day is almost always great. The CEO walks around greeting and chatting up everyone, every single day.  Which I think really helps improve employee morale. Anyways, I bring it up because we see this thing called a Transformation Kit. It includes a pH Balancing supplement, a digestive formula, an energy drink, and a protein drink. Together, they really help with the weight loss. I lost 14.5 pounds in my first 30 days which was between November and December so included a lot of cheating.... and I still lost weight! So I am starting my next 30 days today and with the exception of celebrating birthdays (one fun day for mine, my husbands, my moms and my dads birthdays) I will not be cheating or giving my self a free day. So if you are interested in that, head over to for more details. 

And finally, one last thing... I have plans for more giveaways coming up. Hopefully I can get something going for the last two weeks of the month, but if not, for sure something for Valentine's Day! If you have any suggestions on the types or prizes you would like to see, or themes of giveaways... or anything at all....just let me know! I love suggestions!


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